Finally, the caliber has been chambered in a new semi-automatic rifle, Barrett 98. 338 RRR (Remington Rebated Rim - for review, see ). With a rebated rim, the cartridge also has been chambered in the experimental Remington SR8 rifle known as the.

Sixteen years after its origin, the cartridge has been chambered in twelve tactical and game hunting turn-bolt rifles: Accuracy International SM Arnold Arms Mark II Dakota T-76 Longbow ERMA SR-100 Harris Long Range Heym Magnum Keppler KS II Mauser SR93 McMillan MCRT RAI 300 Sako TRG-41 and TRG-S. A secondary design consideration was a cartridge that could be used in a General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG). 338 Lapua Magnum was designed primarily for long-range military tactical shooting. Subsequently, Lapua of Finland has put this caliber into production ( Cartridges of the World, 8th edition ). of Bensenville, Illinois, made the cases, Hornady produced bullets, Research Armament built the gun under contract for the U.S. began development of a new, long-range sniper cartridge capable of firing a 250-grain. In 1983 (sic), Research Armament Co., in the U.S.