Atlanteans gain favor through possessing town centers. They are also slower to train, and much more expensive. Citizens have no drop off point for resources, and town centers can be built at any time during the game.Ītlantean Citizens are much more effective in work than their Greek, Norse or Egyptian counterparts and do not require drop-off points for resources instead, harvested resources are automatically added to stockpiles. The Atlanteans have no specific hero units, but can convert most human units into a hero. The largest new addition to Titans is a new civilization, the Atlanteans. The Cyclopes built a beautiful palace for the new gods and goddesses atop the mountain of Olympus, and the famous Olympian Greek gods and goddesses of legend took up residence there to both aid and interfere in the affairs of mankind.See also: Age of Mythology § Gameplay Atlanteans Zeus freed his great-uncles from Tartarus, and after a mighty battle, the Olympians emerged victorious, and imprisoned the Titans in Tartarus instead. Several of the other Greek Titans did not give up their power so easily, however, and rose against the new gods and goddesses. Powerless to resist their combined strength, Cronus fled in terror. They all joined Zeus and together they rose against their father. The herb made him sick, and he vomited his other children Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. Instead, she went to Cronus and convinced him to eat a magic herb that she claimed would make him unconquerable. He married Metis, one of the Titan’s daughters and the goddess of prudence, who advised Zeus not to attack Cronus alone.

Little Zeus grew up attended by nymphs and nursed by the fairy goat Amaltheia, who produced ambrosia and nectar, the food and drink of the deities. The Battle Between the Gods and the Titans by Joachim Wtewael in the Art Institute of Chicago